

Created by 2CGaming

Dragon PCs and NPCs - An Essential Guide to 5th Edition Dragons

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day 3 After Action Report - Introducing the Dragon Imperator
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 01:28:37 PM

The Final Paradigm: The Imperator

Click to download the Dragon Designer Promo and start building your imperator!

Its difficult to determine a dragon's greatest weapon. Between claws like sabers, wings like a hurricane, and an apocalyptic breath weapon, its hard to know whats worse. In the case of the Imperator, all other tools of destruction are nothing beneath its formidable intellect. These genius dragons outplay their enemies with astonishing guile and ensnare mortals with their silver tongues. And you can play one today!

Details found in the Dragon Designer!

Through the power of the dragon designer you can bring your ideal imperator to life. Synergize with your allies/minions with powerful features like Plan of Attack at 2nd "level". Develop your formidable intellect with Draconic Brilliance at 6th level. At 10th level you can enlist the aid of a powerful mortal servant: your Dragonsworn Servant. If that wasn't enough, by 14th level you can unleash a Supernatural Presence, choosing from a plethora of powerful options. To cap it all off is your astonishing 20th level feature, Dragon Sovereign, cementing your status as a genius among even dragons. If all that sounds like fun to you, then imperator is your dragon paradigm of choice!

Project Progress

We are so grateful for the support and encouragement of this project thus far. Thank you so much for helping us raise $25,000 for the Dragonflight project in just the first few days!

As we move past the paradigms, we're looking forward to talking about some other elements of dragon design, as well as touching on upcoming parts of the Dragonflight book! As always, please let us know if there are any questions or concerns.


The 2CGaming Team

2nd Stretch Goal Unlocked! 3rd in Sight!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 01:26:36 PM

Art for the Art Gods!

What RPG book couldn't use more art? Yeah, we can't think of any either.

Thank you all you wonderful backers for making Dragonflight an even more precious tome. $30,000 is no chump change and we'll be putting it to good use by adding in premium dragon illustrations from our dragon art specialist Juan Arrabal.

His art is already prominently features throughout Dragonflight, and these pieces will be glorious two page spreads befitting such a magnificent book. We HIGHLY recommend you check out his work on his website, especially if you love dragons at:

One of his many featured pieces licensed to us for Dragonflight

Dragon Society Stretch Goal: $35,000

Our first writing stretch goal! This expansion will detail the many complicated and intricate facets of society between dragons. This fluffy and flavorful section will help a Players and DMs understand the minds, motivations, and culture of dragons, elevating draconic role play to a whole new level. Of special note will be a detailed breakdown of The Great Game, an ongoing contest between rival dragons to prove which among them is greatest, with a host of dizzying rules that'll make an archmage's head spin! Fingers crossed we hit this one!

Until Next Time,

The 2CGaming Team

Fully Funded in under 24 Hours! Dragonflight Begins Production.
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 02:32:21 PM

Dragonflight Unleashed

Thanks to the generous support of over 280 RPG Players and DMs, Dragonflight is fully funded! Its difficult to state just how huge this is, especially in these times. We are incredibly thankful your support and are able to immediately move to production. Content gets made and folks get paid!


We have many big plans for Dragonflight, so if you'd like to see this project grow to even greater heights, be sure to share Dragonflight with friends and communities. You can see what stretch goals we have in store on the Kickstarter page, but know there are a few we aren't ready to show just yet....

First Stretch Goal In Sight: Dragon DM Screen

Should we reach our $25,000 goal, we can develop a customized DM screen ideal for running dragonflight. On one side, facing your Players will be a glorious selection of art, while on the other will be all the special tools and information handy for running a game of Dragonflight. This accessory will come standard in the Dragonflight Box and as a $20 add on to your pledge. 

Day 1 After Action - Dragonflight: The Arcanist
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 01:30:07 PM

Day 1 After-Action Report

With the conclusion of our first day running Dragonflight, we found ourselves at an astounding $14,250 - 95% funded! I'd call that a pretty darn good start. Thank you all so much for starting off strong and we are very exciting to continue this trend over the course of the project.

Since last night, we're up to 99% funded! Thank you!

Promo Highlight: The Arcanist

If you haven't had a chance to check out the free promo PDF (Download Here) we made for this project, you definitely should. Inside you'll find all kinds of goodness, like the awesome Draconic Paradigms. 

Available Now

Once of our favorites from this design model is the mighty Arcanist, a spell wielding dragon option for your wyrm. The Arcanist is no mere spellcasting dragon. It wields uniquely draconic magics that put mortal spellcasters to shame. Check out all it has to offer and start making your arcane dragon today!

 Looking forward to our funding goal and discussion of the second paradigm - the Knight! Until then...


The 2CGaming Team