Dragon PCs and NPCs - An Essential Guide to 5th Edition Dragons
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Halfway Done! Newest Stretch Goal Unlocked
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 06:09:14 PM
More Art Incoming
We are rapidly running out of ways to say thank you, but boy to you all deserve praise for bringing us this far. With this newest ArtExpansion we are afforded the opportunity to take dragons in a more dynamic and biologically diverse direction. While we love our traditional hexapod catlizard model, there is much more to discover! Burrowing dragons, transdimensional dragons, aquatic dragons, gem dragons, and many more unusual species are just begging to be illustrated, and thanks to you we can. Once again our master of dragon art Juan is taking the lead on these, so prepared for some truly jaw dropping work!
Halfway There!
Our campaign is nearly halfway concluded and we are over the moon with how well this project has done. In these final weeks we have only one more revealed stretch goal to hit at $60,000, and one more we have yet to reveal...
Epic Legacy RewardsUpdate: We've added two new tiers for those interested in picking up the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook and Campaign Codex in addition to Dragonflight. "Dual Digital Epic Dragon" include both books alongside Dragonflight in digital format. "Dual Physical Epic Dragon" includes both books alongside Dragonflight in PDF and Print formats.
Past that point, any funding raised by the project will be used to ensure quality, stability, and expediency at 2CGaming throughout the production of Dragonflight. More funding means more eyes and talent on the project, ensuring the highest quality result. Regardless of what our final amount is, the support we have received thus far will make for one hell of a book. One we hope will leave a worthy legacy in the annals of 5th Edition.
- The 2CGaming Team
Epic Dragons Unleashed! Art Expansion on the Horizon!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 07:35:04 PM
Great Wyrms Sighted!
The oldest and most powerful of dragons have joined Dragonflight. Compatible with 2CGaming's Epic Legacy System, these fearsome beings are the apex of dragonkind. While there is much work to do when developing this expansion, we can share that it will add the GreatWyrm age category to the DragonDesigner, along with a host of epic tools compatible with both the Epic Legacy CoreRulebook and the EpicLegacyCampaignCodex.
The Great Wyrm will be included in Dragonflight, and will strongly benefit from a campaign using Epic Legacy. However, necessary rules and introductions from Epic Legacy will be included alongside the Great Wyrm to allow those without the Epic Legacy system to enjoy as well.
New Pledge Tiers Unlocked: Epic Dragons
For those looking to dive into the world of Epic 5E, we have created a pledge tier featuring our Epic Legacy series in a bundle alongside Dragonflight. These bundles feature either the EpicLegacy Core Rulebook or the Epic Legacy Campaign Codex, which you can learn more about here: 2cgaming.com
These tiers will be available only during the Kickstarter (though the Epic Legacy books will be available for $19/$45/$80 pdf/print/deluxe afterwards), so if you're interested in picking up Epic Legacy, grabbing them during the remainder of the Dragonflight project is the best way to do so!
$30 - Digital Epic Dragons (PDFs of Dragonflight and either the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook orEpic Legacy Campaign Codex)
$80 - Physical Epic Dragons (PDFs + Prints of Dragonflight and either the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook orEpic Legacy Campaign Codex)
$150 - Deluxe Epic Dragons (PDFs + Deluxe Prints of Dragonflight and either the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook orEpic Legacy Campaign Codex)
For those picking up minis, keep in mind that they will be available after the Kickstarter. We wanted to avoid adding too many permutations of these rewards, as backers will be able to mix-and-match their add-ons through the pledge manager.
Ifyou are NEW TO EPIC LEGACY and are interested in exploring this content, we suggest picking up the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook first, though both books contain rules and variants for 5th Edition RAW as well.
Next Stretch Goal: Art Expansion
Our next stretch goal in sight is more illustrations for Dragonflight by our lead artist and master of dragons! These beautiful pieces will bring greater value and quality to every version of Dragonflight, oozing quality from every page! The emphasis on this art will be in bringing unusual dragons and morphisms to life. We want to showcase the vast diversity of these creatures, and this stretch goal is the perfect opportunity to bring some truly magnificent creations to life.
For examples of quality and style, check out Juan's website here!: https://www.dragolisco.com
Until Next Time,
The 2CGaming Team
Stretch Goals: Dragon Society, with Epic Dragons on Deck!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 03:31:11 AM
First Writing Stretch Goal: Dragon Society!
Dragons society and culture? With this new stretch goal you've just unlocked, we'll be creating just that! Thanks to your generous support we can add a new chapter to Dragonflight, which focuses on providing your creations with a bigger sandbox to play in - and adds another 15 - 20 pages to the finished book of Dragonflight! Whether its expanding your lineage, challenging other dragons, or building your own place in a campaign, this section will empower your games to better realize a world teeming with draconic influence.
Beyond that, we're very excited to share some additional updates with you in the form of additional Stretch Goals:
$45,000 - Epic Dragons Approach....
If you are familiar with 2CGaming, you may also be familiar Epic Legacy, which brought an Epic level expansion to 5th Edition, extending from levels 21 through 30 in another homage to 3rd Edition goodness with 5th Edition form. With the unveiling of this stretch goal, we are bringing the awe inspiring design of Epic Legacy to Dragonflight, granting an Epic level expansion to the Dragon Designer and the introduction of a new age category...... GreatWyrm. These dragons will possess world shattering strength and be compatible with 2CGaming's Epic Legacy system.
At this milestone, we'll be unlocking three new Reward Tiers for those who haven't yet had the chance to play the EpicLegacy system. These will couple versions of the EpicLegacy books (CoreRulebook, or Campaign Codex - your choice), in PDF, Print, or Deluxe Print format to match your copy of Dragonflight.
$30 - Epic Dragonflight (PDF)
PDF of Dragonflight and PDF of either Epic Legacy Core Rulebook, or Epic Legacy Campaign Codex
$80 - Epic Dragonflight (Print + PDF)
Print + PDF of Dragonflight and Print + PDF of either Epic Legacy Core Rulebook, or Epic Legacy Campaign Codex
$150 - Epic Dragonflight (Deluxe Print + PDF)
Deluxe Print + PDF of Dragonflight and Deluxe Print + PDF of either Epic Legacy Core Rulebook, or Epic Legacy Campaign Codex
The Epic Legacy prints and PDFs will also be available through our pledge manager, Backerkit, after the Kickstarter, though our standard "post Kickstarter" rate, rather than the discounted paired rates, above.
$55,000: Art Expansion
Once again we'll be calling on the brilliant talents of Juan Arrabal to add another collection of dragons to Dragonflight - this expansion will focus on unusual dragon types, strange colors, combinations, presentations, morph-isms, and more - similar to the Leviathan dragon, below:
$60,000: Unique Dragons
Nearing the end of our list of possible stretch goals, we're excited to bring a collection of unique dragons and dragon types - incepted by the 2CGaming team, and provided for inclusion in your game of Dragonflight or 5th Edition RAW. These will supplement the Wyrm Triumvirate, expanding out the NPCs slightly, will adding five unique dragon types and progressions from Wyrmling to Ancient.
As always, if you're interested in ensuring we reach these stretch goals, consider increasing your pledge by $25 for the Dragon DM's Screen or $150 for the Dragonflight Box! With one more summit stretch goal beyond this, we are so grateful for your continued support, and excited about the future of Dragonflight!
The 2CGaming Team
Day 2 After Action - The Knight Paradigm
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 01:29:40 PM
End of Day 2
Again and again, thank you so much for your support on this project. As we've blown past our funding goal, we're rapidly moving forward with development of Dragonflight. In the meantime, we're closing in on our first Stretch Goal for the project - the Dragon DM's Screen.
Another Day, Another Dragon: The Knight
With our second day over, its time to highlight another awesome draconic paradigm available to your creations in Dragonflight , the Knight.
Where the arcanist (see previous update) synergized their draconic nature with magical power, the knight leans into its physical prowess. They are brutal warriors, striking with tooth and claw with incredibly ferocity. This isn't to say knights are simple. Far from it. Dragon Knights offer a wide variety of customization, allowing for unstoppable juggernauts, stealthy assassins, overwhelming breath weapons, and many more terrific modes of play. Should you wish to tear your foes apart with tooth and claw, the knight is the paradigm for you!
Looking forward to the next update! Thank you again.
The 2CGaming Team
1st Stretch Goal Unlocked!: Dragonflight DM Screen
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 01:29:12 PM
Dragonflight Evolves!
Wow. In just XX days, we have already unlocked our first major stretch goal: The Dragon DM Screen. This masterwork quality accessory requires attunement, perfect for concealing devious plots and daring schemes. This accessory will be purchasable as an add on for $25 USD, or if you have purchased the DragonflightBox it gets included free of charge!
Next Stretch Goal In Sight: Art Upgrade!
As Dragonflight continues to grow, our next stretch goal brings more astonishing art from dragon master Juan Arrabal. His work is tied closely to the aesthetic and design of dragonflight, so should we hit the goal of $30,000 it will be a tremendous win!