

Created by 2CGaming

Dragon PCs and NPCs - An Essential Guide to 5th Edition Dragons

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wyrm Triumviruate WIPs
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 03:15:35 PM

We're at the end of March! The update here is going to be fairly content-light and plan-heavy. We expect to have a lot of progress to share in our early May update.

As a reminder, we are still about three months behind the originally planned schedule for the Dragonflight project. We'll keep everyone appraised as things develop!

The Wyrm Triumvirate

Our highest-tier backers have collaborated with us to create a trio of incredible, unique dragons for the Dragonflight NPCs portion of the book. We'll be building the remaining three miniatures from these dragons as well, once their illustrations are locked down! For now, the WIP illustrations are available below:

The Wyrm Triumvirate - WIPs


The next Kickstarter update will be Sunday, May 2, 2021 or sooner.

Project Schedule (May 2). The next Kickstarter update will include a full schedule for production of the book. We're still working through the schedule on the ancillary components (miniatures, box, screen), but the book dates we should have locked down by the next update.

Writing Schedule (May 2). We expect to be ~80% complete with all writing, to complete the full manuscript one Kickstarter update later. With the full manuscript, we'll be able to release additional playtest material on discord.

As Always,

Of course, if there are questions, comments, or concerns before the next update, please let us know via comments or direct messaging! Our apologies for the delay on this project, but know we're working to bring you the highest quality Dragonflight we can manage!

- The 2CGaming Team

Art & Project Overview Update
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 01:27:24 AM

Hi all! An update here focused on art and overall project status. We're pushing back our delivery estimate on the project three months - details to follow.

Art & Content Updates

We've had a set of conversations with our highest tier backers and are in development of the three dragons comprising the Wyrm Triumvirate: a Primordial Dragon, a Camouflaged Ambush Hunter, and a Truespeech dragon! We're moving forward with art and writing on these - very excited to bring them to page, then to form in miniatures!

In the meantime, we've pulled together anatomy sketches of the three dragon types, which will include flavorful additions showcasing physicality of each of the dragon base classes that lends itself to the dragon's themes. Drafts follow:

Dragonflight Class Anatomy (WIP)

One of the dragons that will be making its debut in Chapter 7: Dragons Weird and Wondrous will be a  throwback to previous editions of D&D. What happens when you accidentally implant an illuthid tadpole in a dragon? Nothing good...

The Brainstealer Dragon (WIP)

 We're incredibly pleased and fortunate to work with the terrifying creature concept artist, Tina Fulton on the Brainstealer dragon. Thrilled with the work thus far, and we're hoping to work more with her on the most monstrous of creatures in the future!

Next-Steps & Project Updates

The next Kickstarter update will be Sunday, March 28, 2021 or sooner.

Current Estimated Progress - A Little Behind Schedule

We're sitting at just under halfway done with the writing, mechanics, and design for the project. This puts us a little behind schedule, so we're pushing out our estimated delivery dates three months for all aspects of the project - the digitals, prints, and add-ons (minis, box, etc.). Our apologies for the delay. As we get closer to a locked-in delivery date, we'll be sure to share that here!

Art Updates - Wyrm Triumvirate

We'll have drafts (at least) of the sketch piece and illustrations for each of the three in the Wyrm Triumvirate. Depending on the progress there, we may also have poses and early work for the minis, but likely will not in the next update, but the one after instead.

Writing Updates - Dragon Designer

Still working on the final manuscript for the Dragon Designer - the main focus of the book, which comprises Chapter 2. We're expecting to have a formatted draft of this by either the March update or that in April.

As Always,

Of course, if there are questions, comments, or concerns before the next update, please let us know via comments or direct messaging! Our apologies for the delay on this project, but know we're working to bring you the highest quality Dragonflight we can manage!

- The 2CGaming Team

Table of Contents & DM Screen Rough
about 4 years ago – Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 09:56:23 PM

A late-January update for Dragonflight - development is clipping along and we have some content to share! Let's get into it.

Writing & Design - Table of Contents

Dragonflight Table of Contents - WIP

We're very excited to share the formatted Dragonflight table of contents, showcasing in more detail that content with which we're busy populating the book! Much of our focus thus far has been developing and refining Chapter 2: Designing Dragons, which we'll be releasing shortly in an update to come! While many of the section headers here speak for themselves, let us know if there are any questions on the contents in the comments below (or discord), and we'll happily speak to them!

Dragon DM Screen

Beyond that, we've recently been putting work into development of the Dragon DM's Screen. We wanted to create something uniquely helpful when running dragons, but you'll notice quite a bit of overlap with other DM Screens. We've tried to keep thing dragon-focused (including sections such as "Special Senses", and split the screen contents into two sections: Combat (including spells), and Exploration, as the latter is a notable focus of Dragonflight (probably over most 5th Edition games, frankly).

It's in raw form at the moment, but you can check it out here.

Mockups for the Dragon DM Screen are below, though these haven't yet changed from those presented during the Kickstarter. Let us know via Kickstarter message if you'd like to add the Screen to your order, and we'll adjust it on the back end!

Contents WIP


Our next Kickstarter update will be published on or before February 21, 2021.

We're expecting to have some formatted, near-finished content by the next update (most likely Chapter 2), but don't have completion details at this time. We're working with the high-tier backers on the Wyrm Triumvirate, which we hope to include soon. Beyond that, we're in-progress coordinating a serious art push for this (and other) projects, which we expect to bear fruit in the near future!

As always, if there are questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know via comments or direct messaging!

- The 2CGaming Team

Happy New Year - Nudging Things Along
about 4 years ago – Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 12:22:27 PM

Happy New Year! Brief update on the Dragonflight project to kick things off – hope everyone is well! Development has slowed a bit (as expected) over the Holidays, so this update will be fairly short with some expected deliverable deadlines and a brief note on what we’ve been working on.

Writing & Design

The design team has been putting pen to paper over the Holidays, and we’re making good headway on the core elements of the book. In constant communication with community playtesters through discord, Ryan’s been adjusting and re-adjusting the dragon builder mechanics for the classes – ensuring this central element of the game is rock-solid.

Creation and level progression of the dragons is certainly the primary focus of the book, meaning we’ve put most of our effort there. Development of hoards, treasure, lairs, regions, and more has started, but we’re not yet at a playtesting stage.

Art & Miniatures Updates

Frankly, we don’t have any substantive art updates for you at the moment, and we’re a little behind where we’d like to be with that. With STL files for the Destroyer, Imperator, and Arcanist in-hand, we’re testing sizing, materials, and print quality, but don’t have anything we can share on that front just yet either. Still working with the high-tier backers on the Wyrm Triumviruate extra dragon NPCs – we’re very excited for some interesting designs that have been discussed on that front.


We’re going to be putting a little more focus on Dragonflight over the next month to nudge things back on track – our next Kickstarter update will be published on or before January 24, 2021.

Table of Contents - January 24 (Pushed back from Jan 3)

A fully formatted, near-final version of the Dragonflight table of contents - highlighting the book's overview alongside brief descriptions of each section.

Dragon DM Screen – January 24

We’ll have a mockup of the dragon DM screen (including work in progress text) and be opening conversations with our printer for this product. Expect some deliverables relating to the Dragon DM Screen on the next update!

Dragon Box – March (Pushed back from February)

Giving ourselves a little more time to get this in place. We need a few rounds of back and forth with the manufacturer before we can confidently have this product in-hand.

As always, if there are questions, comments, or concerns in the meantime, please let us know via comments or direct messaging! We'll continue to work on communication and addressing any issues you bring up in as timely a manner as we can manage!

- The 2CGaming Team

Happy Thanksgiving - A November Update!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 11:08:57 AM

More progress on Dragonflight including some scheduling for next-step deliverables - let's get into it.

Backerkit Items

As of Friday, November 20, all standard prints of Epic Legacy (Core Rulebook & Campaign Codex) have been shipped! You should receive these within the next two weeks - if you don't get them by the next Kickstarter update, please let us know, and we'll track them down! Deluxe prints of Epic Legacy Campaign Codex remain delayed, however - expect these around April, 2021 (sorry!)

To say this another way, all books other than Dragonflight and the deluxe prints of the Epic  Legacy Campaign Codex have been shipped!

Art Update - Destroyer & Imperator Miniatures Update

We are very excited to showcase the near-finished versions of the Imperator and Destroyer class miniatures! The others remain in development, but the lithe Imperator and plated Destroyer can be seen below! If you'd like to add these to your order and it's already locked, please let us know and we'll adjust on the back end.

Dragonflight - Imperator & Destroyer Miniatures


Our next Kickstarter update will be published on or before January 3, 2021.

Art Updates - January 3, 2021

This update will include significant art elements (dragon class sketches, anatomy, and some fully-rendered pieces), and next-steps on miniatures.

Art Samples - Imperator & Destroyer Class Art

Table of Contents - January 3, 2021

A fully-formatted, near-final version of the Dragonflight table of contents - highlighting the book's overview alongside brief descriptions of each section.

Dragon Box - February, 2021

We'll be showcasing pictures of the early versions of the Dragon Box upgrade (alongside early prototypes of the dragon DM Screen).

As always, if there are questions, comments, or concerns in the meantime, please let us know via comments or direct messaging! We'll continue to work on communication, and addressing any issues you bring up in as timely a manner as we can manage!

- The 2CGaming Team